Studio Policy

I enjoy teaching students of all ages and levels and strive to provide the best possible music education for every student. During my lessons, I attempt to cover all areas of musicianship: theory,technique, formal analysis, harmony, ear training, sight reading and performance.

The skills learned and piano can be transferred to many disciplines, including: sports, language, mathematics, physics and chemistry. In addition, learning to play the piano has been proven to develop self-confidence, even in the very young students.

Music is not easy, and may not always be “fun”. However, given sufficient time and structured practice, it does become enjoyable to master the many different aspects of this art.

Students are expected to arrive at lesson or recital on time and expected to come to each lesson with his/her books. If the student arrives late, the lesson will end at the usual time without an adjustment in fee.

This is important because one’s lateness can interfere with other students’ lesson time. Practice time will be given to each student differently based on their age and their piano level/experience. Consistent progress results in pride, satisfaction and the sense of accomplishment.

Each year in May, the Munno’s Piano Studio presents our Annual Spring Student Piano Recital, so that all of our piano studio students have an opportunity to perform. Recitals are a good opportunity to bring students’ skills to the next level, and it builds confidence.

Performers must be at the facility no later than 30 minutes before the beginning of the recital. Participating students and their families are expected to remain for the duration of the entire recital, thereby providing ample audience and respect for all performers.

Any and all electronic devices must be turned off  before entering the piano studio. Such gadgets are extremely disruptive/distracting to students. Early arrivals should wait outside (with parent supervision) until the lesson time. Parents are welcome to observe lessons once or twice per month. When doing so:

➢ Turn off or silence cell phones. Do not type on a laptop computer, this is very distracting to the teacher and student.
➢ Please do not bring other children to a lesson you wish to observe.
➢ Do not bring food or drink into the studio.
➢ Do not interrupt. Please allow the student and teacher to work together undisturbed and unassisted.

$35 per lesson for 35 minutes piano lesson.
$45 per lesson for 45 minutes piano lesson.

Payments are due in full by the first lesson of each month. If the payment is not received by the 10th day of the month, the late fee is $25. If a lesson must be canceled, parents may notify me by email (, or by text (2027062062).

Lessons that are missed without prior notification to the teacher will not be made up. Last minute cancellations (less than 48 hours in advance of the lesson) are treated as no-shows. No make-ups or refunds are offered for no-show lessons.

If a student and/or parent should decide to terminate lessons at any given time during the year, the studio requires a Two Week Prior Notice.

Parental support is an extremely important factor in musical training. Learning the necessary skills to become proficient at the keyboard will not occur by simply going to piano lessons. It takes committed practice on a daily basis during the week to put skills covered at the lesson into motion.

I recommend that parents sit down with the student at least once a week to see that all assignments are completed and to offer support. For the very young child, parents should direct their practice sessions and guide them into a daily practice routine.

Parents should provide a well-tuned piano, a metronome, and a quiet place to practice. The responsibilities also include bringing and picking up the student on time and to be financially responsible and pay their tuition on time.

➢ Schedule practice at a regular time every day
➢ Break practicing into smaller sessions to help maintain concentration
➢ Avoid distractions such as TV, pets, visitors, phones, or other electronic devices
➢ Review all assignments, as it serves as a guide to weekly practice and learning.

Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Mongolian  Independence Day (Naadam),  Labor Day,  Summer break is all of August. The studio will be open for lessons on all other national holidays.

If you and/or your family will be out of town at any time during the summer, please let me know well in advance so that I may adjust my teaching schedule.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand what I expect from myself, my students and their families. I look forward to our musical journey together!